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What is Latency? How Latency Works

The latency measure is how long it takes for your computer to respond to any action, for example, clicking on a link. While this doesn’t impact the majority of people’s Spotify listening or streaming video, it could be a problem for gamers who utilize satellite internet. Satellite internet works with greater precision than wired connections. It may also lead to poor performance in games due to high packet loss rates from long pings.

It is the time between the way your input is felt (in this instance, an anchor) and how quickly that gets to others. So that if you’re playing video games or watching YouTube videos online , the latency can affect your responsiveness too because there’s a chance for things to not be completely precise in timing, based on their speed across fiber optics cables which bring them into our homes where we can be able to experience them for ourselves.

What causes the delay?

Gamers and End-users may experience problems with latency. The variables that affect your latency include distance between your computer and the server, and anything else in between, such as Wi-Fi quality (or the absence thereof). There is also an impact on the router/modem combination you choose to use there are lots of choices! Be prepared if it appears to be a bit complicated at first.


The duration of latency is the time it takes for information to move from one point in space to another. This is the distance your system is from the server(s) that are providing the data required by your machine. If it’s not similar enough, you’ll see an increase in latency.

Propagation Delay

One of the most important elements in determining how much latency you experience when browsing on your mobile or computer device is called “propagation delay.” It’s easy to think of this as one aspect but it is a factor in every other measure of the speed of connection and bandwidth we look at including speeds for downloading (because these depend on getting data packets back from where they’re being sent) and uploads that rely on having a network interface card, and the same is true for wireless connections too.

Different kinds of Internet Connection

There is a distinct distinction in the latency of various internet connections. DSL and cable have lower latency, while fiber has the highest average. Satellites tend to be slower because of its structure which requires more space for transmission. This results in long wait times, as well as a higher buffering capacity on websites which you must access music videos or audio files.

What’s on a Website

Have you clicked on a link and waited several minutes for the website to load? It’s because someone was trying to be too ambitious with their Angelfire page. Because they stuck The Office memes all across it, it is now taking longer to visit each time.

Large files , like HD videos and photos require that your web browser download them all. In the event that they’re hosted on an external server located far from the location you’re currently browsing currently, there could be some latency due to the distance.

For more information, click high latency


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