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How To Use The Islamic Educational Toy “Ameen” To Increase Faith In Your Child’s Life

Parents wish for their children to develop in the most positive way possible. We would like our children to be successful, kind, and, most importantly committed Muslims. However, with the demands of daily life and busy schedules it’s not easy to make sure that children are engaged with regular Islamic practices such as reading the dua of the morning and the evening and adhkar. Ameen the first dua allow adhkar to be incorporated morning dua into children’s lives around the world is the answer.

Islam is a religion that teaches us to start and finish our day with a remembrance of Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT), in the Quran, reminds us to remember Allah with a lot of remembrance. This beautiful message is that we should always keep in mind Allah (SWT) by putting Him in our thoughts as well as through our actions. It is our responsibility to ensure that our children keep recalling Allah (SWT) through instilling Ameen to their lives.

Ameen is more than a toy bear. It’s also a tool used to instill the love for Allah SWT and Islam in children as young as is possible. Ameen was designed to serve as a companion for children and help them remember the importance of adhkar and dua. The soft, huggable and recorded adhkars as well as morning duas are included to help children learn the concepts. Additionally, Ameen can also be programmed to recite certain duas and adhkar which parents want their children to know.

Ameen has an interactive feature that is unique to it. The bear is able to recite the adhkar and dua when kids press the paw of Ameen. This interactive feature assists children engage with duas and adhkar in a playful and exciting manner. It helps children take control of their Islamic practices, and motivates them learn more duas.

Ameen is not an object to be played with; it is an investment in Islamic education for our children. Ameen is an instrument that can be used to aid our children in the long term. Ameen not only reminds us to perform morning and evening duas adhkar, but it also helps our children develop a love of the remembrance Allah (SWT). This love will grow and grow as they grow older and can serve as an anchor for comfort and guidance all their lives.

Ameen can also help us establish an order in our lives. Children thrive with structure and routine. When we incorporate Ameen into their daily routines, both morning and at night it helps to establish the habit of adhkar and dua. This will enable children to remember Allah (SWT) as an essential aspect of their lives.

Ameen is not just for young children but for all children. The duas and adhkars that are recorded in advance are simple to understand so they can be understood by people of all ages. Ameen can also be used by older children to assist them memorize complex duas or adhkar. Parents can program Ameen with specific adhkar and duas, which allows them to customize the recitations of their children.

For more information, click Islamic gifts


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