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Boost Productivity Through Knowledge Management System

Knowledge management is a new concept, which was created in order to boost the efficiency of knowledge workers such as procurement professionals. The personal knowledge management system (KMS) encompasses techniques and tools to collect information, categorize, store and retrieve data about your daily life in addition to the capacity to communicate your thoughts with others who may require their help.

It is essential to have all your data in one place to be efficient. This way, when you require it to complete a task at hand or project on the table, there’s nothing stopping you from getting going! This setting will enable ease of workflow and less stress. There are elements that will help you create this type of environment.


Learning continuously is vital to becoming a more productive knowledge worker. The need to continuously improve your knowledge and skills becomes more vital as new technologies are developed. It is recommended to attend workshops and conferences in addition to reading technical journals in your field of expertise. Also, you should look at websites that provide classes in training.


Productivity isn’t about how many things you are able to complete within a specific time. It’s about the quality of your creative thinking and output. You can find your creativity by making use of the tools and techniques that are generally used to improve your creativity, such as searching for “creative tool kit” on Google or YouTube videos about how-to tutorials that show new ways of working with just one click.

Information Triage

It is vital to have the ability to sort and prioritize the information you are reading. Otherwise, your mind may be overwhelmed by all this research, similar to how an emergency medicine nurse could be overwhelmed by too many patients who are suffering from various levels of injury or severity. It will reduce time for everyone by being able recognize those situations needing immediate attention.


Networking doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be organized and when you meet someone new, you should make sure before you do anything else, ask them intelligent questions about their specialization and listen closely for answersand then write down the information in an easily accessible location such as an excel spreadsheet or database on your phone (or whatever device you prefer). This will help you remember who is able to tell you what information without having to remember where or when it was first announced.


Before making any decision be sure that you’re getting all of the information. If there’s anything in your research that isn’t logical or is unclear you should ask questions! The open-ended format allows people to expand their knowledge without being forced to give a simple answer. This will prevent miscommunications in the future.


For productivity, communication skills are necessary. Communication skills are critical to productivity. You must communicate your thoughts efficiently and quickly. This requires excellent oral abilities as well as the ability to write or present information using PowerPoint. The concept of a two-way street lets both parties in have a conversation to make use of their toolsets. When necessary, ask questions to avoid misunderstandings.

For more information, click Knowledge management is


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